Nahyan bin Mubarak opens conference on “Role of Mothers in Fostering Values of Tolerance”

ABU DHABI, 21st March 2021 (WAM) – Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Cabinet Member and Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence today inaugurated the international conference Role of Mothers in Fostering Values of Tolerance and Coexistence in Young Generations , held under the patronage of the mother of the Nation, H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women’s Union, Supreme Chairperson of the Family Development Foundation, and President of Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, with a prominent Emirati, Arab and international presence.The international conference, , organised by the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, in collaboration with the General Women’s Union, will discuss the pivotal role of mothers in promoting Emirati societal values, on top of which is tolerance, coexistence, and human fraternity. This will be in addition to exploring the global discourse on the mother’s role in inspiring future generations, through their pioneering international experiences.Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, the former President of the Republic of Croatia, spoke at the conference about her experience as a mother who reached the top of the political hierarchy, Jameela Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education spoke about Foreseeing the future of the mother’s role in strengthening the values system of coexistence and human fraternity in a time after COVID 19 , and Nevin Al Kabbaj, Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity, Marcy Grossman, Ambassador of Canada to UAE, Noura Al Suwaidi, Secretary General of the General Women’s Union, on the efforts of the mother of the Emirates in empowering the mother’s role in promoting human values and their impact on the upbringing of future generations, businesswoman Rajaa Al Gurg and Abeer Lahita, and a large number of prominent international figures.In the opening speech, Sheikh Nahyan said: We are honored by the presence of distinguished participants from all over the world. I am confident that the breadth of your vision, the quality of your experiences, and the strength of your commitment will greatly enrich our discussions around the important role of mothers in raising their children to be tolerant and committed to the values of human fraternity. At this important conference, he continued, it is my distinct honor and privilege to convey to you the greetings and special welcome of the patroness of the conference, the Mother of our Nation, Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak. As the Mother of the Nation, Sheikha Fatima has tirelessly promoted the status of mothers, recognized their achievements, and inspired their success. Sheikha Fatima is a champion of mothers’ empowerment. Her Highness has always acted on the conviction that communities will best succeed when mothers in those communities are employing their knowledge, skills, insights, and energy to raise children jointly with their spouses. She knows that the twenty-first-century world needs the most enlightened and sensible behavior from women as well as men. On this Mother’s Day, I wish to express our admiration and respect for the Mother of the Nation, Her Highness, Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak. Our country, the region, and the world have benefitted greatly from Her Highness’s vision and wisdom.Sheikh Nahyan noted that the challenges that the world will face in the coming years will make tolerance an even more important enabler of peaceful prosperity than it is today. All people, irrespective of where they live and what they believe in, will need to cooperate and collaborate even more than they do now. Covid-19 has reminded the world that biological threats to humanity do not recognize international borders nor discriminate between people based on religion, language, culture or ethnicity. The health threats to humanity from Covid-19 will only be overcome by people working together. Such international cooperation will require tolerance by all parties. Covid-19 has reminded the world of the importance of tolerance and human fraternity. It has also highlighted our individual responsibilities in this human endeavor.In the United Arab Emirates, tolerance and human fraternity is an essential part of our national identity. It is one of the great legacies of our nation’s founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, that tolerance is key to the peaceful prosperity of the entire UAE population. Sheikh Zayed taught us that in the absence of tolerance, people tend to be suspicious of change; economic development is impeded; the quality of life is limited; and human potential goes unrealized. Since the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan formed our nation almost fifty years ago, the people and leaders of the UAE have succeeded in creating a peaceful, remarkably successful and prosperous society based on tolerance. Marcy Grossman, Canada’s Ambassador to the UAE said governments and societies like those of the UAE and Canada support women by collectively shaping that village, and reinforcing the values that we wish to instill in our future generations. Canada applauds the UAE as a beacon in the region for fostering an environment of tolerance. The relatively recent signing of the Document of Human Fraternity and the announcement of the Abraham Accords have brought the UAE have been paradigm shifts. But we all know that these values go back to the visions of both the founding Father the late Sheikh Zayed, and the Mother of the Nation, Sheikha Fatima. Jamilla Al Muhairi said H.H. Shaikha Fatma bint Mubarak was given the noble title the Mother of the Nation by the Emirati people. A title which reflects her character and accomplishments and recognises her efforts to represent women and the challenges facing society and families. She led many initiatives to support women and mothers. Her efforts to secure education, health, and improve policies and laws placed her in the hearts of all Emirati people. Rajaa Alqarq said that Women empowerment has many aspects, including social, cultural and psychological. As mothers, I feel the economic one is the most important. It offers women the ability to handle family resources, helps them find equal job opportunities, hold senior economic positions and engage in the decision-making process, thus enhancing financial independence. Kolinda Kitarovic, the former President of Croatia recalled: When I became a mother and when our family expanded we started treating our children from the day when they were born from the day when they were conceived as equal partners as equal members of our family for every decision including when I was thinking weather to run for president of Croatia my children who were in elementary school at the time they were not only consulted but they were honestly listened to and their opinion was taken into account when we took a decision as a family how we will proceed further.

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